124 Snapper Road, Wadeville

RBS Pressure Vacuum Blowers

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The RBS is an innovative three lobe rotary positive displacement blower equipped with a special low pulse system to reduce pressure pulsations.


The RBS is an innovative three lobe rotary positive displacement blower equipped with a special low pulse system to reduce pressure pulsations.

  • Pressure up to 1,000 mbar(g)
  • Vacuum up to 500 mbar(a)
  • Capacity up to 25,000 m³/h


The perfect operation of the gears is guaranteed by the oil splash lubrication system with discs coupled to the drive shaft.

Long Life Bearings

Reinforced rolling type, calculated for a theoretical lifespan of 100,000 hours under the most severe operating conditions.

Peak Volumetric Efficiency

The ground profile of the rotors ensures extremely reduced clearances.

Reliability & Efficiency

The gas seal on the rotor shafts is guaranteed by a labyrinth seal coupled to oil splash discs and ensures the flow of oil free gas maintaining its long lasting efficiency not having parts that are subjected to wear.

Robuschi-Brochure.pdf (599 downloads )


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