124 Snapper Road, Wadeville

Hoffman and Lamson CF Blowers

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The range of applications for Hoffman and Lamson centrifugal products is ever-expanding and is firmly illustrated with over 100,000 machines in operation. In water & wastewater treatment, air is provided to water and wastewater aeration systems and air scouring/filter backwashing.


The range of applications for Hoffman and Lamson centrifugal products is ever-expanding and is firmly illustrated with over 100,000 machines in operation. In water & wastewater treatment, air is provided to water and wastewater aeration systems and air scouring/filter backwashing. Hoffman and Lamson blowers can be specified for coarse/fine bubble diffuser systems, reactor batch supplemental air, digester gas boosters, grit channels and sludge digestion applications.

In the industrial market, our blowers provide air or gas for sulfur recovery, combustion air, process gas boosting, coal mine venting, fluidized bed combustion systems, vapor and gas extraction, composting, sludge incineration and printing systems, to name a few. Gardner Denver Engineered Vacuum Systems are used to pick up, convey and capture a myriad of materials ranging from aluminum granules to corn flakes. The experienced Gardner Denver team, backed by years of research and development, provides effective, affordable solutions for a variety of application needs.

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