124 Snapper Road, Wadeville

GD Nash SC Series

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SC Pumps are single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps ideal for demanding applications in extremely tough conditions. Heavy duty pumps, they are able to service a wide range of applications, which can include dewatering in the paper industry and vacuum filtering in mineral ore processing

When to select a NASH SC Pump
• when the air or gas is wet
• when vapor can be reclaimed • when the gas carries solids
• when gas is corrosive
• when you need reliability
• when you want a guarantee


The NASH SC can be found in countless industries, performing its duties. These applications include: autoclaves, chucking, condenser exhausting container filling, labelling and forming, cooking, de-aerating, deodorising food and fats, drying, evaporating, eviscerating, exhausting, extruder venting, fibre setting filtering, forming, gas stripping, laboratory central vacuum systems, medical and dental vacuum draining, moulding, pickup and conveying, priming, slot extraction, and solvent recovery.

Available in nine models, the capacities of the NASH SC pumps range from about 100 CFM to 3,200 CFM with vacuum to 28” Hg. Simple to install, and easy to maintain, this NASH Classic keeps on performing.

SC Pumps are single stage vacuum pumps ideal for demanding applications in extremely tough conditions. Heavy duty pumps, they are able to service a wide range of applications, which can include de-watering in the paper industry and vacuum filtering in mineral ore processing.

NASH-SC-Liquid-Ring-Vacuum-Pumps-Compressors-1.pdf (312 downloads )
Nash-Classics-Brochure.pdf (714 downloads )


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